This is a worldwide directory of over 2,600 commercial kombucha brewers. Social media links and location (as available) are listed.
This is an archival list. We have included any commercial company (where a professional label or logo is shown on the product) even though the social media platform might not have recent updates. They might have gone out of business, or are perhaps just too busy brewing ‘booch to spend time posting updates. Either way, the links will show branding, design and other product information.
The search box (in the left hand column) is another way to locate a company name or city (results would also include any articles).
- KBI = Member, Kombucha Brewers International
- HKJ = Hard (alcoholic) Kombucha or Jun
Updates and Corrections
Please send requests to be added to this directory, or ask for corrections, to Be sure to include your links and location (city, state, country).