Category: Challenges


RIP: Urban Farm Fermentory, Portland, Maine

Statistics show that 50% of small businesses fail within five years. In October, we looked at general numbers for the kombucha industry. This is the story behind one person’s decision to move on. Eli Cayer founded Urban Farm Fermentory in...


RIP: Komadre Kombucha, Tacoma, Washington

Statistics show that 50% of small businesses fail within five years. In October, we looked at general numbers for the kombucha industry. This is the story behind one person’s decision to move on. Julie Davidson opened Komadre Kombucha in Tacoma,...


RIP: Moss Beach Kombucha, Northern California

Statistics show that 50% of small businesses fail within five years. In October, we looked at general numbers for the kombucha industry. This is the story behind one person’s decision to move on. Moss Beach Kombucha was profiled on Booch...


Craft Beer Challenges

A recent question posed in the Craft Beer Professionals Facebook Group asked ‘What is currently surprising you most about our industry?’ It generated over 250 responses. Craft beer is, in many ways, the “big brother” of our industry (it started...


The Challenges of Commercial Kombucha Production

A seasonal newsletter from the UK’s Happy Kombucha highlights the challenges of commercial kombucha production. In addition to what they call “ready made kombucha” Happy Kombucha sell home brew supplies, including all-important SCOBYs. They report how what seemed like insignificant...


Why kombucha companies close

When Shelley, the founder of All About the Booch, located in Glendale, Arizona, decided to close her business after five years, she did us all a favor by posting a series of Instagram Reels explaining why. These are useful lessons...