Profile: Kova Kombucha, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Following my recent interview with Sally of  Burning Bloom Kombucha in Puerto Vallarta, I met Gina Méndez the founder of Kova Kombucha, a small-batch kombucha business also based in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and Zapotlanejo, near Guadalajara. Kova is the most...


Citizen Scientists Rate UK Kombucha

Building on an earlier round of experiments, UK fermentation experts Jo Webster and Caroline Gilmartin extended the range of commercial kombucha brands they tested from 12 to 16. Jo and Caroline conducted a rigorous “citizen science” experiment to determine if...


Business Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs

Gwen Bortner is a business advisor and operational strategist specializing in women entrepreneurs, particularly those who have turned hobbies into businesses. In a recent interview with Booch News, she detailed how her expertise can benefit women business owners in the...


2024 Social Media Stats: Facebook

This is the seventh in the series of our annual summary of social media stats for kombucha brands. It follows yesterday’s report on Instagram stats. Facebook is the second most popular platform for kombucha brands after Instagram. At the end...


2024 Social Media Stats: Instagram

This is the seventh annual report on the social media statistics of leading kombucha brands. At the end of 2018, we published an initial, informal survey of kombucha brands’ presence on social media. At the time, we reviewed the stats...