Category: Profiles


Profile: Lion Heart Kombucha, Portland, Oregon

Jared Englund founded Lion Heart Kombucha 14 years ago and named the company after his son, Lev, whose name means “lion heart.” He started teaching kombucha classes in 2008 and established Lion Heart Kombucha in 2010, brewing booch at night...


Profile: Urban Mama 505, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Julie Morrell and Ted Archuleta founded Urban Mama 505 in Albuquerque, New Mexico in June 2021. This was after a dozen years brewing kombucha at home that helped Julie resolve health issues including a brain tumor, autoimmune disorder, and fibromyalgia....


Profile: Curious Kombucha, Thorncombe, Dorset, UK

Emma Davies founded award-winning Curious Kombucha five years ago. She is based in Thorncombe, Dorset, in the south-west of England. Emma began her brewing career 20 years ago, producing beer in local microbreweries, where she developed a deep understanding of...


Update: Nunc Living Jun, Buckingham, UK

We first reported on Andrew Mills — the founder of NUNC Living Jun-Kombucha — in December 2020. At that time the company, started with a paltry £12,000, was only two years old. I took advantage of a trip back to...