Category: Consumers


Other Beverages, Other Worlds

I was intrigued to see what a new Instagram follower — ‘rating.drink‘ — was all about. Annie posts “dumb daily reviews & bad photos of canned drinks” from New York City. Along with reviews of GTs Gratitude, Bear’s Fruit Blueberry...


The End of Free Kombucha?

Since the days of the dot-com boom, high-tech companies looking to attract talented workers have offered campus benefits such as state-of-the-art gyms, napping pods, ping-pong tables, and gourmet meals in the company cafeteria. Free kombucha was often seen as the...


Eric Brown: Kombucha Reviewer

I came across a young man who is an enthusiastic kombucha reviewer. He’s collected dozens of brands from local stores and plans to publish reviews of them on his Kold Kombucha Instagram and YouTube channels. Eric Brown first tasted kombucha...


Environmental impact of beverage containers

Oenophile Jancis Robinson writes in the Weekend Financial Times (subscription required) about the environmental impact of beverage containers. While acknowledging that glass bottles are the material of choice for fine wines, she wonders if plastic, cans, or keg alternatives could...


Mamma mia! They spiked my kombucha!

I’m just back from a nice lunch with my wife at a fabulous waterfront Italian restaurant in nearby Benicia. As I often do when eating out, I brought a bottle of my home brew ‘booch to drink with the meal...


Kombucha Reviewers

An unexpected benefit of researching the Worldwide Directory of commercial kombucha brewers has been finding the folks out there who post ‘booch reviews on Instagram. Here’s an updated list of 76 reviewers. Not all of the 5,090 posts are reviews,...