Category: Science Notes


Citizen Scientists Rate UK Kombucha

Building on an earlier round of experiments, UK fermentation experts Jo Webster and Caroline Gilmartin extended the range of commercial kombucha brands they tested from 12 to 16. Jo and Caroline conducted a rigorous “citizen science” experiment to determine if...


Interview: Silicone Bag Brewing

This is a follow-up to the recent post about the study by the students and faculty the department of chemistry at Shippensburg University. The lead authors are Professors John Richardson and Jeb Kegerreis. They spoke with Booch News about the...


Study: Optimizing Oxygen Exposure During Kombucha Brewing

A scientific article, published in the journal Fermentation, explores the optimization of oxygen exposure during kombucha brewing using air-permeable silicone bags. The authors compared traditional glass jar brewing methods to a novel approach using silicone bags that allow for increased...


Kombucha Ice Cream anyone?

Scientists in Malaysia recently studied the feasibility and potential of producing low-alcohol, instant kombucha powder through pasteurization and spray drying. They claim their study paves the way for expanding the kombucha market by catering to consumer preferences for convenience and...


A.I. bots discuss the science of kombucha

This podcast is the result of an experiment with Google’s new generative A.I. tool NotebookLM — created “to help you make sense of complex information. When you upload your sources, it instantly becomes an expert, grounding its responses in your...


Commercial Kombucha vs. Homemade: Can Store-Bought Brands Pass the Fermentation Test?

Jo Webster and Caroline Gilmartin are fermentation experts from England. They are active on Instagram as @jo.webster-health and @every.good.thing. They recently posted the results of a fascinating experiment where they tested a range of commercial brands, as well as home-brew,...