Tagged: marketing


Craft Beer Challenges

A recent question posed in the Craft Beer Professionals Facebook Group asked ‘What is currently surprising you most about our industry?’ It generated over 250 responses. Craft beer is, in many ways, the “big brother” of our industry (it started...


Kombucha in California: Part 1 of 4

Kombucha showing signs of search recovery in the Golden State This is the first in a series of posts looking at the kombucha category and consumers in California.  In this industry, high-quality data on the kombucha category is difficult to...


Virtual KombuchaKon – Day 2

Following Day 1 of the conference, the second day of the Virtual Kombucha Conference started with a members-only meeting. Hannah Crum then welcomed all attendees for a review and discussion of the KBI Code of Practice. Kombucha Code of Practice...