Evaluating the Impact of World Kombucha Day
Yesterday, February 21, was World Kombucha Day (WKD), celebrating the culture of kombucha across the world. We wrote about the launch earlier this month, noting that it was sponsored by Kombucha Brewers International:
In observance of World Kombucha Day kombucha brands, brewers and retailers around the world will participate in events including retailer happy hours and offering coupons and discounts to consumers. Friday 21st gives brands a golden opportunity to engage with their community and to help people understand what kombucha is. It launches what could well be the decade when kombucha becomes a household name.
One company that benefited without doing anything extra was obviously Kombucha 221BC from Sarasota, Florida, named for the same reason Feb 21 was selected. They celebrated Valentine’s Day earlier this month gave WKD a pass. Another market leader who studiously ignored the event was Kevita, which had sponsored National Booch Day.
Looking around the globe, how did WKD do?
WKD events
The events page on the main WKD site lists 17 events that took place on Feb 21. There was international flavor, with listings in Australia, Chile, Finland, Mexico, and Spain. Across the US there were events in California, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oregon. There were also a couple of online events, including a Facebook Live Q&A with GT Dave.

However, as an inventory of Instagram shows, not all events were listed.
Social Media
There were posts on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #WorldKombuchaDay and #WorldKombuchaDay2020:
- Instagram = 817 posts
- Twitter = 153 mentions
Some brands gave WKD prominent billing.

Many others posted promotional information
There were special events and celebrations around the world
Press Coverage
Press coverage included:
- French fashion magazine Marie Claire noted ‘Our Obsession With Kombucha Has Officially Reached Wild New Heights’
- Local TV station WANE 15 visited Crossroads Kombucha in Ft. Wayne, Indiana to profile owner Tom Brookshire discussing his brewery.
- The local newspaper in Hastings, Nebraska profiled Jessi Hoeft, owner of Ensign Kombucha.
In Summary
This was the inaugural World Kombucha Day and a very small number of the 1,600+ brewers listed in our Worldwide Directory participated. Press coverage, outside of Indiana and Nebraska, was minimal.
However, as kombucha continues to grow in popularity, we can only expect participation next year (scheduled for the doubly-auspicious date of 02/21/2021) to improve.
Meanwhile, many of us might agree with Mother Kombucha and make every day kombucha day!

Nice to see that Tom at Crossroads Kombucha sent ‘booch to the reporters at WANE15 and his company secured some great press coverage!
Thank you. Our local reporters have been very kind to us.