Tagged: Craft Beer


Craft Beer Challenges

A recent question posed in the Craft Beer Professionals Facebook Group asked ‘What is currently surprising you most about our industry?’ It generated over 250 responses. Craft beer is, in many ways, the “big brother” of our industry (it started...


CBC: The science of packaging and label design

The online Craft Brewers Conference continued with a presentation by design and marketing experts CODO Design describing a scientific approach to packaging: Using Science to See What Packaging Works and How Your Brewery Can Sell More Beer. This 90-minute, 85-slide,...


Effective DIY Media Outreach

The 2020 Craft Brewers Conference in San Antonio was canceled due to the COVID-19 emergency. However, CBC Online continues to offer the craft brewing community online access to information. This event is free and open to all and continues for a number...


The state of American craft beer industry

Following the cancellation of the 2020 Craft Brewers Conference in San Antonio due to the COVID-19 emergency, CBC Online got underway this week, offering the craft brewing community online access to information. This event is free and open to all and continues for...