2019 Social Media Stats: Facebook

Facebook is the second most popular social platform for kombucha brands after Instagram. Well over 90% of brands promote themselves on Instagram, while 80% have a Facebook page. Twitter is a distant third, with only 18% of brands in our Worldwide Directory having an account.

The numbers we posted to our own Instagram account in October 2018 showed listed the top 32 brands by the number of followers. However, as mentioned in our recent analysis of Instagram, this was based on a tiny population of only 140 companies. The 2019 numbers, based on over 1,400 brands, tell a very different story.

This table shows the percentage change in the number of followers for the original 32 brands over the past 14 months:

Source: Booch News Instagram and Worldwide Directory

What is immediately apparent is that, when compared to the Instagram numbers, Facebook has been a static or declining platform for most brands. While a third had double-digit growth in the number of customers who Liked their page, half saw an increase of less than 5% or even declines.

This trend is happening across all industries. Broader social media surveys note:

…2018 marked a change in Facebook’s algorithm that promised to display more content from friends and family and less from brands in the News Feed. With this change, it’s no surprise that Facebook engagement took a dip across all industries this year.

2019 Social Media Industry Benchmark Report, RivalIQ, Feb 15, 2019

2019 Leader Board

The extensive research that led to the Worldwide Directory has resulted in a much more thorough inventory of brands than was available back in October 2018.

This table shows the 20 leading kombucha companies. As with the Instagram table, we’ve removed companies that make products in addition to ‘booch that attract followers.

Source: Booch News Worldwide Directory, Dec 20-27, 2019

The list includes three brands from Australia, as well as New Zealand, Canada, and Turkey.

We plan to repeat this analysis next December to see what difference a year makes.

Facebook vs. Instagram

Comparing the popularity of the two platforms for the same brands shows that there are three main groups in terms of the ratio of Followers.

There are 14 brands from both lists with a higher ratio of Facebook to Instagram followers:

Source: Booch News Worldwide Directory, Dec 2019

An additional four brands have close to a 1:1 ratio, although they slightly favored Facebook:

Source: Booch News Worldwide Directory, Dec 2019

The remaining six brands have a higher proportion of Instagram to Facebook followers:

Source: Booch News Worldwide Directory, Dec 2019


While many online marketers see Facebook as a declining platform, fully 75% of our most popular brands have more followers there than on Instagram. However, Instagram is attracting customers at a much faster rate. It is also well known that Instagram has a much younger demographic.

Brands should invest more heavily in promoting themselves on Instagram. The higher engagement rates seen on Instagram are another factor to consider:

…brands see a median engagement rate of 0.09% per Facebook post, in comparison to a 1.60% median engagement rate per post on Instagram.

Instagram vs Facebook: which is best for your brand’s strategy?, Sprout Social, June 30, 2019


The content of this article is accurate to the best of our knowledge and is presented for general informational purposes only. The opinions are those of the editor. Please send corrections or questions to ian@boochnews.com. Comments are welcome.

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