Celebrating Creativity on Instagram
Booch News has selected some of the most creative images posted by kombucha companies to Instagram. Unlike our recent babes on the beach article, we don’t need to limit our selection for fear of offending anyone. So here’s an extensive sample of 60 of the most creative images we found.
The Most Creative Site: Brew Dr. Kombucha
There’s not enough room to list creative images from every brewer. The three collages give some idea of the variety we found.
If we were forced to pick the single most creative Instagram account from a kombucha brewer, we’d vote for Brew Dr. Kombucha. This Portland, Oregon-based company has posted 1,492 images and is followed by 41,800 people.
There are Brew Dr. images in all three of the collages above (the two guys with the bottle-cap beards, the paintings next to them, Tutankhamun, the tool belt, the advertising hording, one of the dogs, and the two “Good For Romantics / Good for Dreamers” pictures).
While Brew Dr.’s pictures are not the most professional, and very few seem “staged”, we get a really good feel for the company from their Instagram feed. In addition to the fun & creative pictures in the collages, we loved these for their simplicity and how well they communicate the values of the company:
Here’s some more accounts that impressed us.
Cove Kombucha
This Canadian brewer has 23,000 followers who enjoy 228 posts. There’s a huge range of well-designed product pictures, such as these:
We also enjoyed the creative displays of fruits and their drinks:
Finally, Cove are not short of zany, offbeat & creative ways of showing their product:
Get Kombucha
This LA-based company has a great series of text-based Instagram posts. In addition to the one shown at the top of the first collage above, there’s dozens more:
We’ve already reviewed this Chula Vista, California-based companies blog. Their 22,000 followers on Instagram enjoy witty text-based posts:
Aqua ViTea Kombucha
This Vermont brewer has posted 1,329 images to Instagram.Their Art Director, Spicy Mike, has drawn some really sweet, creative images:
Komvida Kombucha
It’s pretty obvious that brewers in Europe & Asia are generally more creative than the ones located in the USA (with exceptions of course). Just take a look at Komvida, based in Madrid, Spain:
(Incidentally, the first two pictures are from a documentary about Komvida’s operations in the town of Fregenal de la Sierra, where it’s claimed they drink more kombucha per inhabitant than anywhere else in Europe.)
Karma Kombucha
We’ve already posted Karma’s Salvador Dali and Steve Jobs images in the second collage above. French company Karma Kombucha have 300 other creative images on their Instagram:
Real Kombucha
Over in the UK, Real Kombucha use creative photography to make their Instagram photos stand out from the pack:
Meanwhile, up in Cheshire, England, Wilmslow-based Ombucha ties their Instagram pictures into their extensive series of blog posts:
Madi Kombucha
Over in Asia, Thai brewer Madi Kombucha focuses on the beneficial effects kombucha has in detoxifying the liver. One of their Instagram pictures shows up on the lower right-hand corner of the third collage above. Others include:
Have You Pooped Today?
We could not let this celebration of creativity end without getting to Utah’s Mamachari Kombuha.
Their Instagram addresses a truth that dare not speak its name. They go way beyond discreet discussions about “probiotics” and “gut health”. They get straight to the bottom line (so to speak) and highlight the beneficial effect on bowel movements that ‘booch drinkers secretly relish:
In Summary
We’ve been impressed by many, many Instagram pictures. This article just scratched the surface. We apologize if your pictures were left out. Send us an email with creative examples and we’ll add them to the comments below.