Tagged: UK


The BBC Radio 4 Food Program

In this BBC Radio 4 program, broadcast on October 8th, host Jaega Wise talks to two finalists in the BBC Food & Farming Awards drinks category and investigates the health claims of kombucha. The Old Tree Brewery, Brighton We profiled...


Kombucha in the UK: Marketing Insights

Most small businesses understand the importance of having an online presence. In 2018 Booch News published an initial, informal survey of kombucha brands’ presence on social media. At the time, we reviewed the stats for the number of posts and...


Kombucha in the UK: Part 1 of 2

I’m just back from an extended trip to the UK.  I traveled the country from Bristol to Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London, curious to see where Kombucha was being sold. I tasted a variety of brands purchased in shops, cafes...